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{Desember 15, 2008}  

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{Desember 15, 2008}  

Celebrity – Berita Film

Teuku Ryan: Saya Pantas Perankan Ayah

Rabu, 2 Juli 2008 – 16:11 wib

Hartono Kamaruddin – Okezone

Teuku Ryan (Foto:Ist)

JAKARTA – Banyaknya artis muda bermunculan membuat Teuku Ryan kerap kebagian peran sebagai ayah. Bagi Ryan, peran tersebut memang pantas untuk dirinya.

“Saya memang sudah pantas memerankan peran bapak-bapak. Lagipula, saya juga di kehidupan nyata sudah berkeluarga dan memiliki anak,” ujar Ryan saat ditemui di Studio Persari, Ciganjur, Jakarta Selatan, Rabu (2/7/2008).

Meski merasa pantas dengan peran ayah, suami pesinetron Vira Yuniar ini menolak jika dirinya dibilang sudah tua.

“Saya masih cukup muda kok. Berperan sebagai mahasiswa, saya juga masih bisa. Apapun pekerjaan saya itu merupakan profesi,” imbuhnya.

Selain itu, Ryan juga tidak merasa sungkan ataupun merasa lebih berpengalaman saat berperan bersama bintang muda.

“Nggak ada yang namanya senior atau junior. Aku senang saja bermain dengan bintang baru. Hitung-hitung seperti mengikuti tren,” ucap mantan personel grup vokal Cool Colors itu. (lsi)

{Desember 15, 2008}  
NAME : Ashraf Sinclair
  OCCUPATION : Actor/TV Host
  AGE : 27
  ZODIAC : Virgo
  FAVE HANGOUT : Hartamas
  TALENT : Acting crazy in front of a camera
  Hey! ID : cleono212006
Vote For Him Full Size Picture
Tell Your Friends Email Him
1.A woman is most beautiful when…
I see her as herself without past or present but as she truly is.
2.The nicest thing a woman’s ever said about me is…
“Oh my god! I thought he was 19!”
3.Being successful to me means…
Being able to enjoy my life with all the money and time that I need, and having a beautiful wife with beautiful children.
4.What scares you?
Success. It does sound strange, but being great is scarier than being mediocre.
5.If I could trade places with a man for a day, I’d pick…
I will pick John F Kennedy on the day he was assassinated just to know what he knew.
6.Describe your date from hell.
It was three dates actually: First date, she wanted me to move in to her apartment. Second date, she almost runs me dry of cash and third date, the boyfriend that she was two- timing confronts us as I pick her up! Don’t ask me why I got three dates!
7.What is an antimacassar?
A flotation device used by NASA for equalising cabin pressure and gravity in space stations. No, it’s a cloth used as a headrest back in the day when men used hair oil to stop it from getting on the chair. Okay, I cheated! I asked my dad.

{Desember 15, 2008}  

Cute Asian Girl: Bunga Zainal

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Bunga Zainal_2
Bunga Zainal_3

Cute Asian Girl: Bunga Zainal


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